Jinyun Quarry Complex

A cluster of many sites along the Haoxi brook, a tributary of the Ou river in the province of Zhejiang.


Jinyun County, Lishui, Zhejiang, China


Jinyun provides a mix of undisturbed and repurposed megalithic sites.  The undisturbed sites are challenging visit because of thorns, while the repurposed sites are a challenge since they are being used for a multitude of purposes (fences).  It is definitely worth a visit since the scope of operations in this area was immense.  It is hard to tell just how large an operation was undertaken since the weathering and collapse of these sites obscures the boundaries that once were clear.  Standing on one side of the valley in a collapsed cavern and seeing the same collapsed walls on the other side of the valley makes you wonder just how much stone has been removed from this place. 

In other locations, it is obvious that the abandoned quarry’s have been reoccupied in the recent past.  Modern tool marks reveal an obvious fact, that the stone in the ancient quarries is of high quality and easily accessible in many places.  Unfortunately, the modern quarrying has obscured much of the ancient (but not all) tool marks.

I originally found the Jinyun sites from a Chinese hiking map of the region with some photos weathered quarry walls. From my trips to Jinyun I have found that the area is littered with the ruins of ancient stone work. I have listed six main locations, but there are caves all throughout the hills of this beautiful town.


JYQC1: Skyfall