Heidong Quarry
29° 7'20.61"N, 120°57'37.90"E
Also know as the “Black caves” (link: www.ciensi.net)
Ci’en Temple
China, Zhejiang, Taizhou, Tiantai County
Restricted. By appointment only
I have been to many amazing sites in China, but I have two favorites: The Yangshan Quarry and Heidong Quarry. Yangshan is a site unto itself, containing the three largest megaliths in the world, amazing tool marks, and weathering data for different types and durations of exposure. However, there are many places in Heidong where the tool marks are so clear and undiminished that it feels as if the work had stopped yesterday. Heidong gives the impression of being two sites, merely connected by a labyrinth under the mountain that lies on the banks of the Shifeng river. On one side of the mountain, Master Zhidu oversee the the Ci’en temple and grants access to the “clean” side of the quarry. His caves have, for the most part, swept concrete floors, anemic lights, and tended shrines. Many followers wander into the heart of the mountain to find a dark and secluded spot to spend hours in quiet contemplation. I know, because while trying to film the caves I came around a dark corner to find a monk sitting on the floor deep under the mountain. I was not expecting to find another human being there in the dark, so I made a startled utterance. Neither my shriek nor my bright video light caused him to move or even open his eyes. I turned down another path and left him alone in his stillness. I have to believe he knew I was there, but he never let on.
On the far side of the mountain there is another entrance to the Heidong caves, a secret entrance to the “unclean” side. There you will find the largest unsupported span for a man-made cavern in the world (92m), bats, two unexplained quarried stones, and tons of tailings that were brought back into the quarry after it had been excavated.
There are many anomalies found on both side of the mountain that will be detailed in YouTube videos and the data blog.
The video below is from my most recent trip and shows the bats of the “unclean” side of The Black Caves (translation of Heidong).